Other lists of astronomy resources
A List Supernova Pages on the WWW
Links to a growing list of WWW pages concerning all
aspects of research on supernova and supernova remnants.
and theory; all types of supernovae;
research groups and individual
Access to Astronomy Class
( Open Classroom-Astro )
Astronomy at the Dalton School is a college level, full
year modern astronomy elective course. In a constructivist format, computers
are extensively used in the course. From the home page
you can see lists of software used, topics covered, image
sources, web sites, etc. You can also see the course
in progress. The task stream and folders containing ongoing, unaltered
student work are published on WWW pages. See Internet Project.
An Astronomer's Guide to On-line Bibliographic Databases and Information Services
This is Starlink User Note 174.1 (29 November 1993).
also " A Guide to Astronomical Catalogues, Databases and Archives
available through Starlink" , Starlink User Note 162.1 (18. March
1993), also by A.C. Davenhall, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Univ. of Leicester.
A collection of pointers
to resources related to teaching/learning Astronomy. Includes pointers to
multimedia documents, image catalogs, history, and others.
Astronet Home Page - Navigation in Astronet
( Padova )
This is a still growing page trough which one can
navigate between the www servers of the astronomical observatories in
Italy. General information and software is (and will be) also
Astronomical Image Library
We're undertaking the task of indexing the wealth
of astronomical
images available on the Internet. To use
the service, you
just have to go to the URL mentioned and
the name of the object you are looking for. If
database knows where an image of this object is
located, you
just have to click on the resulting link(s)
to obtain a
picture of it. We're currently indexing approximately
images and more are being added regularly.
Astronomical information on the Internet (at ESIS)
Astronomical information on the Internet
( at ST-ECF )
Astronomical Internet Resources (CFHT)
Astronomical Internet Resources
( at STScI )
Astronomical literature publicly accessible on-line: a short
( status report, )
by Fionn Murtagh and Hans-Martin Adorf, ST-ECF, ESO Messenger No.
72, June 1993, pp. 45-47
Astronomie / Astronomy
( at IfAG Potsdam )
Astronomie im Internet
( a resource list in German )
Astronomy and Astrophysics (NCSU)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (Rice)
Astronomy Listing at UCSC
( gopher )
ASTRONOMY on the Web
ASTRONOMY on the Web presents the contents
of the
current issue of ASTRONOMY magazine, previews the next
and highlights current and future sky events. Full text
is available for featured articles, an introduction to the hobby,
and guides to buying telescopes and accessories. It also
links to many astronomical resources on the Web.
Programs that
appeared in ASTRONOMY are also available for
Astronomy Resources on the Internet (at GNN)
Astronomy resources on the Internet
( NRAO )
Astronomy Resources on WWW
( from CUI )
Astronomy Resources
( A Chilean resource list in Spanish. )
Select Gopher item 7 " Servicios Miscelaneos" ,
then select
item 4 " Informacion sobre Astronomia/Astronautica y Espacio" .
Astronomy servers at U.S. Geological Survey
( USGS )
U.S. Geological Survey list of astronomy servers (this has a
graphical icon for each resource, so takes a while to
Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet
( at MSSSO )
( USC )
Astroware 1 CD-ROM
Astroware 1: Astronomy Shareware & Freeware (ISBN
1-886376-03-4). This
CD-ROM is the first to be released in
new series of space and astronomy related CD titles.
Astroware 1 is devoted to shareware and freeware files on
the topics of Astronomy, Amateur Telescope Making, CCD imaging
image processing. A wide range of text files
and programs
for DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and Unix computers
are included on
this ISO-9660 disc.
Cardiff Astronomical Society
Cardiff Astronomical Society, UK, News and Homepage
Information on astronomy,
telescopes and exhibitions
Links to other society pages and astronomy
sites in
the UK.
CFH List of Astronomical Observatories
Danish telescopes around the world
Degenhardt Amateur User Facility
The Degenhardt Amateur User Facility (DAUF) is located in Murfreesboro,
TN. It is a joint effort from local amateurs to
provide a location for any amateur (or professional) to observe
either for research or for fun anytime. The page is
constantly updated with images and results of its activities. It
also provides links with other web sites of interest.
Dpto. Astrofisica. I. Fisica de Cantabria
This is the Home
Page of the Astrophysics Department of the Instituto de Fisica
de Cantabria at Santander, Spain. This is a center supported
by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of
Cantabria. People here works in Extragalactic Astrophysics. These pages contain
their work and interests as well as some miscellaneous information.
EINET Astronomy Listing
French WWW Servers
( France )
General Relativity around the world
German Astronomical Directory
WWW-Pages of Amateur astronomers from Austria,Switzerland and Germany
Ground-based Solar and Astrophysical Observatory Guide
( by Gordon Johnston )
High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment
The HEXTE is one of 3 instruments on board the
X-ray Timing Explorer (XTE), which is scheduled for launch in
1995 October. It is sensitive to X-rays from 15 to
250 keV and can provide timing information down to 8
Image Processing CD-ROM
huge selection
of files related to the topics of image
file formats and documentation, format conversions, specialized image processing
applications, and source code for algorithms, converters, and complete image
processing systems. The disk also includes a large amount
FITS information, CCD imaging software, and specialized astronomical
image processing
Information and On-line Data in Astronomy
This is the on-line complement of the book
"Information &
On-line Data in Astronomy",
Daniel Egret & Miguel A. Albrecht
published by Kluwer Acad. Publ. (Sept. 1995).
includes summary descriptions of the databases,
archives, and information systems
presented in the printed version, together with
the complete
access pointers (kept up-to-date) and,
when available, ready-to-use hyperlinks
the original data systems.
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
( IBVS )
The Information Bulletin on Variable Stars is a bulletin of
the Commissions 27 and 42 of the International Astronomical
published by Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary.
Lentz Astronomy Listing
( NWU )
( CEA )
Mike Boschat's Astronomy Page
Moore's Universal Astronomy Index
This is a fairly complete index of astronomy topics organized
like an astronomy textbook. Links are obtained from searching the
WWW for the highest scoring pages based on the index
topics listed.
NASA Network Application and Information Center
( NAIC )
The Network Applications And Information Center (NAIC), located at Ames
Research Center, was established in March 1993 to coordinate network
information center (NIC) services for NASA. The NAIC mission is:
(1) To facilitate a distributed system of NASA Center NICs.
(2) To distribute and assist NASA users with advanced applications
programs developed or supported by the ANA group. (3) To
act as liaison between NASA and other government network information
activities. (4) To foster the use of information protocols, standards,
and procedures among NASA NICs that are conducive to quick
and easy network access to online information resources. (5) To
serve as a NIC of first and last resort for
users at Centers without NICs and for scientists and educators
coming from other networks. (6) To act as a high-level
referral center for NASA information resources.
Network Resources for Astronomers
A report prepared by Bob Hanisch (STScI) for the AAS
in October 1992.
NovaWeb: The Nova Server
The Nova Server is a resource for professional and amateur
astronomers interested in the fields of novae, supernovae, other cataclysmic
variables, stellar evolution, gaseous nebulae, and/or Astrophysics in general. It
includes a mailing list archive, related software, data and preprints.
Please drop by!
OAT Astronomical Services
( Trieste )
Observatories and Astronomical Institutions on WWW
( Southampton )
On-line Data and Information in Astronomy
( a paper by Heinz Andernach (IAC, 2/8/93 )
CONTENTS: Introduction, Astronomical Catalogues and On-line Data Bases, Astronomical Catalogues
remotely, Catalogues at IAC, On-line Data Bases, Observatory Archives of
Raw/Calibrated Data, Optical Sky Surveys and Plate Scans, Bibliographical Services,
Thesauri, Desktop & Electronic Publishing, Addresses, Directories and Meetings, Astronomical
Software On-line, Discussion Groups via Networks.
Other Astronomy Home Pages
( Cambridge )
Robinson Lunar & Planetary Observatory
Information, pictures, observations of
amateur observatory plus pages relating to the International Occultation &
Timing Association.
SciTech Astronomical Research
( STAR Research Telescopes )
Design and manufacture specialized and general purpose telescopes and instrumentation
for research and education.
SEDS - Astronomical Anonymous FTP Sites
( SEDS: Astro-FTP list )
This is a concise description of anonymous-ftp file servers containing
astronomy and space research related material. It includes only those
servers where there are special subdirectories for astro stuff or
much material included into a general directories. For sites with
multiple directories of interest, the list points towards a common
top-level directory. (NOTE: until August 1994, this list of servers
was maintained in Finland.)
SEDS - Internet Space Archive
( LPL/Arizona )
A large internet resource of Space related images, information and
Sky Online
Sky Online, a service of Sky &
Telescope magazine,
is designed for astronomy enthusiasts at all levels
interest. It features excerpts from Sky & Telescope and
CCD Astronomy magazines, tips for backyard skygazers, reviews of telescopes
and accessories, a weekly astronomical news bulletin, calendar of
star parties and amateur conventions, downloadable BASIC programs,
links to
other sites, and more.
Some astronomical resources
( Glasgow )
Space Mission Acronym List and Hyperlink Guide
( Mission Acronyms and Links )
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn
Observations mainly in the optical spectral range are used for
galactic and extragalactic research. The Sternwarte operates the Observatorium Hoher
List about 100 km from Bonn.
THE Star
The Italian Solar Physics Community Server is an experimental WWW
server intended to collect all the relevant information on Solar
Physics Activities and Resources in Italy as well as on
international scientific collaborations in ground-based projects, such as THEMIS and
LEST, and in space missions, such as SOHO.
The World Guide to Observatories
U.K. Amateur Astronomy
A collection of pages describing all major amateur astronomy
organisations in the UK including the British Astronomical
the Federation of Astronomical Societies and
the Society for
Popular Astronomy, plus all UK astronomy
bulletin boards and
magazines. The information was provided
by the organisations concerned.
There are also pointers to
astronomy index systems and
WWW pages of interest to the
University of California, Riverside - High Energy Astrophysics
( UCR )
Information on current research in High Energy Astrophysics being conducted
at the University of California, Riverside.
University of Melbourne - School of Physics: Astrophysics Group
UUNA Astronomy Listings
The Usenet University - New Network Academy Meta-Library listing of
on-line astronomy resources.
Video On Line - Astronomy Page
This page contains four important mirrors located at Video On
Line and a list of magazines, amateur associations and astronomy
Web of Wonder: List of Observatories
( Astrophysics on the Web )
WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center,
is about astronomy & astrophysics; the Space Science Web
software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages &
style guides;
on-line articles about astronomy on the Web;
HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and
other online services; and virtual reality.
If you have a
document or resource you wish
to be included, send me
the text (preferably HTML)
or a URL. WebStars is referenced
by many other
sites on the Web. It has been
expanded and
reorganised extensively since its first announcement in February,
visit again! The What's New page lists file change
dates, to help you discover updates. Also, there are New
Additions areas.
Welcome New Navigators!
( at GNN (Global Network Navigator )
has an astronomy catalog
World Wide Astronomy Servers
( Leiden )
WWW-Virtual Library: Astronomy and Astrophysics
( from CERN )
YAHOO: List of Astronomy Resources
YAHOO: List of Observatories
Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar